Monday, November 29, 2010

Crazy Days are here again!

     It never ceases to amaze me! Christmas time rolls around and busy becomes the norm! I'm not just talking about our schedules, right ladies? I'm talking about our brains, our bodies, our everything is set to Go, Go, Go! As I'm sitting here and typing this quick little post, I have three to five to twenty things and thoughts and to-do's running through my head. From when I am going to buy so and so's present to when are the bills due to when do I need to mail in that stuff so my student loans are on forbearance until I'm done my five years teaching low-income wrap the presents, to make out the Christmas cards....and the list goes on and on and on.
     No offense to the men out there, but women are forever multi-tasking and taking on the stress of the family. Every night I come home and make dinner, make sure the bills are paid and make sure all of the mail is opened and organized. I'm not saying my husband doesn't do anything, he empties the dishes, puts the laundry away, makes sure the pellet stove is in good working order (and keeping me warm!) to many other tasks around the house. However, women do tend to bear the brunt of the multi-tasking, stressful duties around the house. Now my husband would say, but you wanted to use your bank, so you have to pay the bills. Yes, I did take that responsibility on, he is right...however, it has been four years, when will that deal end?
     My point is, for many years the woman was the homemaker. Her job was to manage the home and the children and make sure everything in the business of Home was taken care of. Now, many of us aren't just homemakers, we are teachers, doctors, lawyers, hairdressers, you name it, we are it. And because of this, there is much more stress on women today than ever before. Nevermind the fact that this world moves at an unGodly pace and there is much more stress on EVERYONE than ever before. No wonder heart disease is the number one killer of women, no wonder inferility is on the rise. We make ourselves sick with stress, and worry, and all of the nastiness that our modern lives entail.
     As a modern, working wife and homemaker (because even though I'm a teacher, I make a home as well), I urge you--all of you stressed out overworked women. Stop. Take 20 minutes and read a book. Take a bath. Take a breath if that is all you have time for. And pat yourselves on the back. Because before you know it--it will be January 1st and we will have 11 months to prepare for next year's onslaught of stress, chaos and how the heck can I buy that person a present too????!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Frustration turns into Calm

    I was just so frustrated with a situation that my husband and I are dealing with now and was ready to chop someones head off. I made a call, left a message and within a few minutes I got a call back from someone who was able to quickly calm my fears, my stress and my anxiety. I have known this woman since High School, and she was always one of the nicest, sweetest girls I know and to see her turn into this reassuring, calming, sweet women is such a blessing! I love when living angels come to us to show us God's grace and mercy! I voiced my fears, my frustrations and my concerns and my friend was able to more me towards the resolution that I felt was the leading of God! It is so amazing to feel the peace wash over you as you trust in His plan for everything!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Some things I learned

     This weekend has become a testament to the strength of love and how sincerity and strength and perseverance can push that love beyond a stumbling block to making you productive, full of joy and on the way to some good old fashioned healing and reconnecting!
     I also learned that we had WAY too much stuff crammed into my husband's closet and it felt so nice to clean it out, organize it and store it neatly in space bags (which are so fun to use!) You can actually walk in his closet now and see the floor--I forget what color that rug was!
     And I also learned that it is so special to have friends who are as excited for you as you are for yourself!

Thank you my loves for a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am creative, not crafty!

     So my husband and I made a trip to Loew's tonight. We made a deal that I would look at ALL of the wonderful home improvement things while he looked at all of the wonderful tools. So I looked at many Christmas magazine while he drooled over tools and one of them made me roll my eyes. The crafts for Christmas were perfect, but took up so much time...things that Stepford Wives would endeavor. When we are chasing away the days trying to get all of the normal life things done, where is the time to be that perfect?
     Here's the thing, I believe that crafts are fun, but I don't take time for them because I would much rather spend time with my husband, friends, and family. I do like small crafts that I can do while watching TV in the living room with the hubby, but I tried the craft thing for a while and it kind of fizzles when I got married.
     Now saying that, if you love crafts, go for it! All the power to you. Its a great endeavor, but it is time consuming. I did find a Better Homes and Gardens "food gifts" magazine that had fun make yourself gifts that were much more reasonable (time wise and money wise) and I definitely plan on giving some of these away as gifts! But I will let you perfectionists and Type-As out there try the more time consuming magazines--I'm sticking with the make it in an evening kind of things!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kids are great!

The other night my 2 and half year old nephew picked up my sister's cell phone, dialed my number and before I even answered, handed the phone to my sister and said "Its Lala."

Go figure. He is not even three and he can figure out how to call me. I'm sure it has to do with the fact that he has 3 big brothers and they were all very precocious as well.

When my 13 year old nephew was 5, his father was driving him to the house for me to babysit all three of the big boys and his dad looks back and says, "Boys, please behave for Rachel tonight" The 13 yr old (5 then) says, "Dad, we prefer Lala."

Out of the mouths of babes!

I can't wait to hear what they say next and I can't wait for the day when my own children silence me with their witty and precocious comments!

Here is to kids, God Bless them!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Just an update on everything.

My friend felt a lot of comfort this weekend during her Grandfather's funeral, so if you prayed it was felt and we are all thankful.

Everything is going well for us! We need more prayer between Wednesday and Friday so it is definitely appreciated!!!!

I was definitely tired on Sunday and things bettered themselves quickly so that was great!

Once again if you need prayer leave a comment! God Bless!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Prayers Please

     My best friend's family just lost their grandfather this week. He was a great man, funny, kind, sweet, loving and always their to give you a wink and nudge! What a light-hearted wonderful man he was! We knew that he was going to pass away soon and God gave her family the gift of one more week with him where he was lucid and awake and able to tell them how much they meant. Please pray for his 7 children, 14 grandchildren and countless children in-laws and others who will miss Pape's. We love you!
     Another friend is going through a crisis as well. I don't know major details because I haven't been able to get a mutual friend on facebook this week, but please just pray for her healing and comfort in this trial in her life.
     This weekend my husband and I are also awaiting big things,  please keep us in your prayers as well! (Especially on Sunday morning!)
     If anyone has prayer requests, leave them here so we can all pray together for the needs of God's people.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and we will keep you posted on the big things!!!
God Bless!

Phillipians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

     Well, as I sit here tonight after cleaning out my desk (yay! I finally got it done!) I am watching the election results and wonder why you voted today. I voted to protect myself and my family from higher taxes and the loss of public services and as always I voted because my vote matters! As a Christian, many people automatically assume that I vote Republican. And I know that many Christians do vote Republican and that is fine for them. But as I have grown and matured, I see more issues than just Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. Yes, I believe babies are babies from the moment they are conceived. But I also believe that as God gave me free will, he gave all of us free will and we can't make the hard choices for everyone isn't my business...I'm just here to tell you what I believe and why (if you ask) and you can make your own decision. So with that said, this is my little political ditty and then you won't hear it from me again.
     I am an independant. I do not believe as a member of a middle-income, working class family that the Republican party has my best interest at heart. Therefore, I do not vote on party lines, I vote on issues and who stands closest to my beliefs on an issue. I do tend to lean to the left but that is because I find the Left is more about people than business and more supportive of social issues. The Left seems to want to take better care of this country's people--they are not for free hand-outs--they are for helping people when they are down. And I do know that people take advantage of that, but when the Right is in power business gets  A LOT of free hand-outs and they definitely take advantage. Anyway, I like my money in my pocket and unlike the wealthiest 1% of our citizens--I NEED my money in my pocket--so why would I vote for people that have money and like protecting their friends who have money?
     Now onto the point that Republicans are Christians and Democrats are not...first off..I don't know what anybody is. Someday we will all know who is and who isn't when we meet them in Heaven. Someday, we will all stand before God Himself and He will tell us if we've done right or wrong. So I am not to judge. Because maybe that Democrat that you are voting against is a God-fearing, Born-Again, Christian Soul and you are voting against who God wants in office. I do not, nor have I ever, voted based on Religion. I also try not to talk badly about anyone who was voted into office because civil government is necessary and divinely ordained by God (Rom. 13:1–7), it is ultimately under God’s control. So we will vote and God will move those that He will to vote for His Will to put the people in office that need to be there. I truly believe that whatever happens, God is in control and He knows the ultimate outcome--He is afterall the one who wrote the book!
     So please, if you talk among your family and friends about this election--or any election--please do not assume that because someone is a Christian they are Republican, and don't assume that someone who isn't a Republican isn't a Christian--because both assume that you know a person's inner thoughts and soul and well none of us know that! Hope you voted because one vote does make a difference! And last but not least and probably one of the most important points--God Bless America!