Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It is a New Year!

    Well, we made it through 2011! I can't believe the year went by so quickly! There were a
few changes during 2011 in my life:
                       We completely gutted and refinished our bathroom (well, hubby and his buddy did.) It went from this:

To this!!!! Ta-da! It is still yellow but every wall was ripped out, insulated and re-dry walled!

           Our dear Pastor resigned, we started the process of setting up a search and then we were introduced to the concept of an Intentional, Interim Pastor. Pastor Ron will be joining Belmont St. Baptist Church as we start the New Year and a new chapter!
            My dear McGrath Educational Center became You Inc. Educational Day Academy as we combined out two locations! With that change I went from teaching High School English to Middle School (all four subjects!!!!). What a transition but after the combining of the schools, staffs and students and getting used to a new way of doing things, the school year is going as well as can expected for a Emotional/Behavior Disability population! And I'm having fun! I actually couldn't wait to get back to school!

     I think that is it for changes....but two of those are pretty monumental transitions and I made it through!
     So now, it is a New Year and there is much to look forward to. We plan on refinishing the big mudroom in our house. Taking a big vacation (we only went to NH in 2011). Maybe someday soon we'll be able to announce that we're having a baby--but that is up to God. Hmmm...I'm sure there will be much more happening in 2012, but that is to be determined.

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